Sara,  today is the day to speak out for the health care access Wisconsin women need and deserve!
Out of the many issues and programs included in the Governor's state budget, one of the most concerning proposal is around changes to Wisconsin's BadgerCare program.
more than 800,000 men, women, and children receive quality, affordable
health care coverage through BadgerCare plans. But the Governor's plan
would make it harder for Wisconsin women without dependent children to
afford and access the health care they need and deserve.
Walker is proposing that Wisconsin women who make below $11,770 per
year ($981 per month) be charged unaffordable monthly premiums for
coverage, be required to perform a drug screenings assessment and would
be limited to only 48 months on the program, If enacted, this proposal would likely cause many women to lose their health care coverage unable to afford the premium payments and would undermine the Governor's promise to prevent any coverage gaps in our state.
Today, Wisconsin leaders are set to debate these changes and we need
women's health advocates to speak out and let them know that Wisconsin
deserves #ABetterBadgerCare!
Take a few moments to send a message
to your elected representatives asking them to reject Governor Walker's
proposed changes to BadgerCare and to expand Medicaid to ensure
Wisconsin women and their families have access to the affordable and
quality care they need and deserve.
Make sure our leaders know we are watching and that we care deeply about ensuring Wisconsin women have access to affordable and quality care!
Together for women's health,
Wisconsin Alliance for Women's Health
PO Box 1726
Madison, WI 53701